The Digital Transformation - Digital Generation SMEs programme, developed by AENOR, is designed to train employees of Spanish SMEs in key digital skills, with the aim of improving their productivity, growth and internationalisation.
Septer has collaborated with AENOR in the development and organisation of this important training action at a national level and will continue its collaboration by teaching part of the course and mentoring the digital transformation plans developed by the students.
The programme, which consists of 50 hours of live training, is delivered in live training mode and is structured into two modules: The first module, "The company in the digital economy" (20 hours), analyses the digital context, business transformation, data usage, process digitalisation, and the legal framework in the digital era. The second module, "Technologies for digital transformation" (30 hours), includes automation, robotisation, artificial intelligence, data analytics, cybersecurity, blockchain, and emerging technology trends.
For five weeks, participants will receive practical training and mentoring to develop a digital transformation plan adapted to their company. They will also have access to AENOR's virtual library and the possibility of taking an optional 100-hour online course.
Employees of SMEs (between 1 and 249 workers) can participate free of charge, with a maximum of five participants per company. To obtain certification, participants must complete at least 75% of the course and pass the final exam.
This project is funded by the European Union, through the Next Generation EU programme funds, and is led by the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA) of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Administration, in collaboration with the EOI F.S.P. Foundation.
The programme represents a strategic opportunity to improve the competitiveness of SMEs through digitalisation, allowing them to connect with experts and professionals in the sector.
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