25 May, 2023The 6th Siglo XXI Technology Awards Gala organised by El Suplemento was held on 18 May and CAPTIA was presented with the 2023 Siglo XXI National Technology Award in the category of Business Intelligence.
Captia is a Madrid-based company that offers technological solutions for real-time digitalisation and automation in industrial companies. These solutions are based on the use of data and artificial intelligence, enabling factories to automate production processes and improve interconnectivity, helping them to achieve maximum operating efficiency and improve productivity.
Their solutions are focused on diminishing errors and inefficiencies, producing an increase in quality, cutting down on costs and boosting profits. They provide their customers with an in-depth knowledge of processes and enhanced decision-making. “We gather, analyse and visualise all the information contextualised in real time in order to be in control of everything that's happening and that could happen and, in that way, operate efficiently and effectively,” the company explains.
The Gala event was organised by independent publication El Suplemento and its goal is to “award excellence,” acknowledging the effort, creativity and competitiveness of a brand, a service or a professional activity, all of which is underpinned by persons with these same qualities.
Source: El Suplemento