authUSB, SL is a global manufacturer, focused in the development of proprietary innovative solutions in the field of ICS/OT, Critical Infrastructures and Defense cybersecurity, for specific attack surfaces, even in disconnected, or isolated environments.
SafeDoor® Solution:
SafeDoor®is a unique solution, (Hardware with embedded Software) ,that provides total security ,protection, detection and immediate remediation for the three attack vectors (Hw, Electric and Sw) that USB devices may contain.
An external and uncontrolled USB device( and in ocassions an internal one) is never reliable and must never enter our organization.
SafeDoor® performs a dynamic and on going analysis at a Hw and Electrical level, until the usb device extraction.
SafeDoor® also real-time scans the contents of USB devices with a full antivirus engine embedded in it.
The Solution also offers a Management Console which allows to have traceability and management, of all the USB devices, contents and users in real time and also prevents information leakages because those privileges are granted only by the administrator user. All events, at all levels ,are recorded to enable auditory reports.
We have been deploying SafeDoor® in a great variety of OT, IT environments offering them a global, effective and certified protection .
From our inception in 2018 we have reached final customers in all those sectors.
Nowadays our final customers are Chemical, Food, Car supply chain manufacturers,beverage manufacturers, glass container manufacturers,Pulp industry etc.
In Critical infrastructures : Nuclear facilities, Electric companies (Electrical Plants, Distribution etc…), Railway, Spanish Goverment agencies ( Central Gov and municipalities) , the Spanish Army and Defence forces( mainly for total isolated environments), State Security law forces etc..
authUSB, S.L.
Av. de García Barbón, 30, Planta 4, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra